
TypedDict data structures used for communicating between an API and Legislice.

class legislice.types.CitingProvisionLocationDict(*args, **kwargs)

Location of provision citing to the provision that is the subject of the API call.

Can occur as part of an FetchedCitationDict created by a call to the citations_to API endpoint.

class legislice.types.CrossReferenceDict(*args, **kwargs)

A citation from the provision that is the subject of the API call, leading to another provision.

class legislice.types.FetchedCitationDict(*args, **kwargs)

Information about a statute that cites the subject of the API call.

Created by a call to the citations_to API endpoint.

class legislice.types.InboundReferenceDict(*args, **kwargs)

Information about statute that cites the subject of the API call, with text of reference.

Created by finding the relevant citation in a FetchedCitationDict, and then pulling the reference field from within the citation.

class legislice.types.PublicationCoverage(*args, **kwargs)

Available dates for a publication covered in an API’s database.

class legislice.types.RawEnactment(*args, **kwargs)

Data for creating an Enactment.

class legislice.types.RawEnactmentPassage(*args, **kwargs)

Data for creating an EnactmentPassage.

class legislice.types.RawPositionSelector(*args, **kwargs)

Data for a TextPositionSelector.

class legislice.types.RawQuoteSelector(*args, **kwargs)

Data for a TextQuoteSelector.

class legislice.types.RawSelectorSet(*args, **kwargs)

Data for a set of Anchorpoint selectors.

Used in Legislice to specify the cited part of an Enactment.